Deployments are even easier, thanks to Google Infrastructure Manager:

Gbemisola Esho
3 min readSep 22, 2023

Google introduced Infrastructure Manager, a Google Cloud-managed service that offers Terraform functionality. You can use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) management techniques with Infrastructure Manager to manage the Terraform-based Google Cloud infrastructure.

With declarative configuration, this offers a managed and streamlined experience for installing, configuring, and maintaining your cloud resources. Generally speaking, Infrastructure Manager is accessible.

Terraform: Streamlining Google Cloud infrastructure

To manage Google Cloud infrastructure that is completely integrated into the Google Cloud ecosystem, Infrastructure Manager makes use of the Terraform infrastructure provisioning tool.

By utilizing Terraform’s declarative syntax, reusable modules, validation (syntax and policy), and other features, you can now fully utilize Google Cloud.

What is Infrastructure as Code with Terraform? | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer

Features and Benefits

Infrastructure management: Without the need to set up build pipelines, Infrastructure Manager enables you to manage your Google Cloud infrastructure using the Terraform and IaC approach.

This enables you to define resource configurations that you can version, reuse, and share, enabling you to deploy, alter, and manage your infrastructure in a secure, consistent, and repeatable manner.

You can achieve consistency, effectiveness, and scalability across all of your infrastructure deployments by automating and standardizing your deployment operations using Infrastructure Manager.

Resource Lifecycle Management: Due to Terraform’s state management capabilities, Infrastructure Manager makes it easier to manage your cloud installations.

The lifecycle of your resources can be readily tracked and managed, configurations can be updated, and modifications can be made in a controlled and auditable way.

Infrastructure Manager benefits from the Plan and Apply workflow in Terraform.

Streamlined Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Using Google Cloud’s library of pre-packaged and advised Terraform modules, Terraform Providers, and Jump Start Solutions, you can easily provide and manage Compute Engine instances, Cloud Storage buckets, BigQuery datasets, Kubernetes clusters, and more. Let the Infrastructure Manager handle automation and dependency management.

Integration with the Google Cloud ecosystem: Infrastructure Manager connects with other Google Cloud services and products to improve your experience managing your infrastructure. Infrastructure Manager makes use of the Google Cloud ecosystem to offer a complete and integrated solution, whether it’s Cloud Logging for monitoring and troubleshooting or Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) for fine-grained access control.

Scaled-down infrastructure management
The management of your Google Cloud infrastructure is made simpler with Google Cloud Infrastructure Manager, which was developed on Terraform. Infrastructure Manager is a managed, scalable, and effective solution for provisioning, configuring, and controlling your Google Cloud resources by fusing the strength of Infrastructure as Code with the adaptability and scalability of Terraform.

You should start managing your Google Cloud resources with Infrastructure Manager. Visit the Google Cloud documentation here.

What it means for the Developer

This offers the developer ease in the deployments of workloads and less stress, especially in getting the indentation of codes to align.

It makes the packaging and reuse of the code seamless because it is now managed

Tracking of your resources is also now easier thanks to the Infrastructure Manager

Culled from Google Cloud Innovators: THE OVERWHELMED PERSON’S GUIDE TO GOOGLE CLOUD | By Forrest Brazeal



Gbemisola Esho

A technologist aligned with Cloud Computing, Data Journalist, believer that problem solving is possible by application of right knowledge and tools .